A new version of the Telethon – ladepeche.fr

Indirect victim of the Covid, the telethon had trouble finding its activities and its volunteers. This year, there was no departure by joélette to Roussennac, but the walkers from the Rignacois region nevertheless held on from Rignac to Aubignac where the local population had once again mobilized to cook the cakes that were put up for sale. While on their side, at the André-Jarlan space, the residents of the living center had opened stands to give demonstrations of archery, blowpipe, boccia followed by a musical awakening animation accompanied by oboe organized by the Music Conservatory. An activity initially reserved for children aged 4 to 8 but which Colette Marre, the dynamic head of the Conservatory, was able to open up to adults returning from the hike.

The day ended with an aligot sausage meal preceded by an aperitif hosted by Espérance rignacoise.


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