a sponsor targeted by an Extinction Rebellion action near Nantes

Activists from the Nantes branch of the association attacked, on Sunday, two car dealerships of a World Cup partner in Qatar, located in Saint-Herblain.

Le Figaro Nantes

They wanted to send a “red card” to a partner of the World Cup in Qatar. Sunday, December 11, members of Nantes Extinction Rebellion took action against two car dealerships of the Hyundai and Kia brands located in Saint-Herblain, a town in the Nantes conurbation.

The activists plastered posters on the facade of a building and threw paint on it as well as on at least one vehicle. They also drew dead workers on the ground, resuming the chalk marking of crime scenes. Representations accompanied by small signs denouncing “6500 dead” or even the undermining of the rights of LGBT + people in Qatar.

“Because it is useful to react to the way this World Cup was built in Qatar, we have again taken action against these two other sponsors of this filthy cup”write the members of the local branch of the association on their twitter account, who denounce a “human and ecological massacre”.

In its text, the group indicates that it has targeted these brands because they are part of “sponsors who have still not publicly announced their support for compensation requests” for workers in Qatar as requested by Amnesty International.

SEE ALSO – Mondial de l’auto: Extinction Rebellion activists stick to sports cars


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