A2 – The Blue Star returns to success and beats Vigarano

Stella Azzurra Roma is back at home, in its tenth seasonal match against Pallacanestro Vigarano; at the Altero Felici Arena the nerostellate returned to score points in the standings, obtaining success in a game split in two with an excellent second quarter 74-67. Furthermore, establishing a record for Serie A and Serie A2, conquering the first success obtained by a team made up of girls born from 2000 onwards.

Strong start of the home girls, ahead 9-3 in the first quarter taking the first advantage of more possessions of the game; then comes the 0-7 partial response from Vigarano who gets back into the game a minute and a half later with Perini. The nerostellate replies, Vigarano does not give up: the two teams close a first quarter played at a good pace at 16-16, with Barbakadze (6 points) and Olajide (9 points) respectively on the shields for the two teams.

Brzonova immediately leads the Romans at the beginning of the quarter, with a three-point game, also adding a triple in the partial entirely signed by the Czech up to a new three-point game by Barbakadze; in two minutes of the second fraction, a 9-0 break for the capitoline (25-16). Capitoline who cross the double-digit lead with the 31-20 given by Pelka’s two free throws, then continuing to find the basket reaching the 43-20 two minutes from returning to the locker room, dividing the offensive responsibilities among the various girls authors of a quarter off the 29-11 aggregate run for the 45-27 halftime run.

With a 0-5 break upon returning to the field, Vigarano tries to recover (45-32), but the black-star reaction arrives with another 5 points from Brzonova who puts the distance between the two teams 18 lengths after three minutes. The swing in the gap ranges from 15 to 20 points for the entire third quarter, which closes at 59-43 with the gap between the two teams settling at 16 points at the start of the last quarter.

A last quarter where the guests try the rapprochement: partial 5-10 in the first four minutes, to thin the advantage of the hosts to 11 points (64-53). Coach Chimenti’s timeout slows down Vigarano’s ascent, who eats away at points of disadvantage until he reaches -7 four minutes from the end of the match; the usual Brzonova restores oxygen to the nerostellate, allowing them to unlock, with Perrotti setting the 69-60 from the line three minutes from the end of the match. The guests have to force to feed the feeble hopes of a comeback that does not arrive: the Stella Azzurra Roma concludes the match, with the two teams fighting to the last to define the best possible gap in view of the future direct match, victorious by 74 -67.

Blue Star Rome – Vigarano Basketball 74-67

Blue Star Rome:

Ndiaye 1, Collovati, Brzonova 21, Nikolic 7, Barbakadze 14, Zangara 2, Perrotti 13, Pelka 9, Bucchieri 5, Garofalo 2

All. Chimenti

Ass. All. Falqui

Vigarano Basketball:

Edokpaigbe 5, Perini 12, Bocola 15, Olajide 16, Cecili 3, Conte, Sorrentino ne, Sammartino 11, Armillotta ne, Pepe 2, Marchi 3

All. Borghi

Framework Antonio MunnoPress Officer & Digital Strategist


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