Basketball and technology fill the first hours of Princes of Wales in the US

Washington, Dec 1 (EFE).- A Boston Celtics basketball game and a visit to an incubator for technological projects were some of the first activities in which the Princes of Wales participated on their visit to the United States

Prince William and Princess Kate arrived in Boston on Wednesday night, where they will stay for three days. They were received by Mayor Michelle Wu and Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and participated in a ceremony to mark the countdown of the Earthshot Prize, which will be awarded this Friday.

After the ceremony, the princes of Wales attended a basketball game that pitted the Boston Celtics against the Miami Heat and sat at the foot of the court along with Celtics legend Tom “Satch” Sanders.

Guillermo and Kate had not set foot on American soil since 2014, when they visited New York, and had previously been in Los Angeles (USA) in 2011.

According to the White House, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, plans to see the princes tomorrow, Friday, in Boston, where he will go to participate in a fundraising event.

It is not expected that the royal couple will meet the Dukes of Sussex, Enrique and Meghan Markle, who have resided in the US since 2020, when they decided to stop working for the British royal family and become financially independent.

On Thursday’s session, Enrique and Kate visited the Greentown Labs think tank in Somerville to see what local organizations in Boston are doing to create a more sustainable world.

They also visited the non-profit organization Roca in the Chelsea neighborhood, which helps young people at risk, where they greeted several people who came to receive them.

On Friday, Princess Kate is scheduled to make a solo visit to Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child, while Prince William will tour the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.

At night, the main act of his visit will take place, the Earthshot environmental awards ceremony, which rewards those who develop solutions to repair the planet and regenerate natural resources.

The Earthshot Prize, inspired by President John F. Kennedy’s “Moonshot” speech, is an ambitious global environmental prize that aims to discover and celebrate these innovative projects.

“Catherine and I are delighted to be back in the United States and are extremely grateful to Governor Baker and the First Lady of Massachusetts for their warm reception in Boston,” Guillermo said in a statement released after landing.

The Prince of Wales’s statement also expressed his gratitude for the tributes paid by Bostonians to his late grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, who died in early September.

“On this, our first visit abroad since my grandmother’s death, I would like to thank the people of Massachusetts and particularly Boston for the many tributes paid to the late Queen,” the statement said.

(c) EFE Agency


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