Cloyes-les-Trois-Rivières: a mobilization that “was worth it”

The Dunois Arc Club organized, on Saturday and Sunday, in Cloyes-les-Trois-Rivières, two selective 3D shooting competitions, counting for the French championships of 2023.

Saturday morning, fifty-four archers passed the gates of the park of the Montigny-le-Gannelon estate, which had been specially fitted out for the occasion, and on Sunday, more than eighty of them flocked to the departmental championship.

Four weekends to prepare everything

On a course of 2.7 km, the archers progressed successively on the twenty-four posts, each composed of a 3D target. At the end of the competition, about half of the registered participants wanted to take advantage of the hot meal offered by the club, before the first three in each category were rewarded last.

“It took four weekends of work for the dozen volunteers from the Dunois Arc Club to prepare and set up this competition”, specifies President Philippe Foucher. “It takes a lot of time and energy, in terms of logistics, but you have to realize that it’s this kind of event that keeps the club alive and allows you to buy consumables such as coats of arms, goals shooting, etc. We were still very mobilized all weekend, but it was worth it. Everything went very well ! »


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