Club: The minority sale of PSG is becoming clearer

« Qatar Sports Investments (QSI) is preparing well to sell up to 15% of its shares” of PSG. It is with his words that the journalist Ben Jacobs confirms this Friday, December 30 strong interest from three potential minority investors, two of which are based in the United States. The CBS Sports reporter evokes a “ current due diligence period » and even “three formal offers” received by the owner of the Parisian club.

The extent of these offers also varies since they range from “5% to 15%” of the shares according to the same source. Their sums are however substantial since the three competitors agree on the valuation of PSG by QSI at more than 4 billion euros. The current sole owner of the capital club will only sell shares to a single investor, again according to Ben Jacobs.

The process of partial sale of PSG should progress quickly. Ben Jacobs indeed predicts an advance during the “first semester 2023 and a conclusion during the second semester at the latest “. A calendar that sticks with ” the months “ mentioned by Nasser Al-Khelaïfi during his interview with the Financial Times.

This expected entry of a new investor in the Parisian capital should not worry fans about the will of the Qataris according to Ben Jacobs. On the contrary, this step forward could be accompanied, according to him, by the takeover or the entry of QSI into the capital of a “another club after Braga” over the next few months.


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