Daugavins had an effective assist in the winning DEL game

Latvian forward Kaspars Daugaviņš stood out with an assist in the German Hockey League (DEL) game on Monday and helped the Iserlon “Roosters” team win.

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“Roosters” beat “Tigers” of Straubing with the result 4:3 (2:1, 0:1, 2:1) away.

Daugavins assisted the team’s second goal, when in the ninth minute of the match, playing with the same formations, Hubert Labrî scored 2:0. The Latvian hockey player spent a total of 15 minutes and 50 seconds on the ice, during which he won five out of six shots and achieved a positive efficiency coefficient of +1.

In another match, Schweningen “Wild Wings”, with Mikas Indraš staying out of the lineup due to injury, defeated Nuremberg “Ice Tigers” at home with the result 4:0 (1:0, 2:0, 1:0).

In the DEL tournament table, “Wild Wings” with 47 points won in 33 matches are in ninth place, while “Roosters” with 44 points in 33 games are in 11th position in the competition of 15 teams.


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