Everyone against Maikel Melero in the Gijón Freestyle Leomotor Cup

At 6:30 p.m. this afternoon at the Palacio de los Deportes in Gijón, motorcycle fans have an unavoidable appointment with the Leomotor Freestyle Cup that this year will feature the participation of Maikel Melero, Edgar Torronteras, Remi Bizouard, Dany Torres, Javi “Jabato” Dols and Francis Costela. As in previous editions, LA NUEVA ESPAÑA is a sponsor of this show.

This year’s poster is the best in a long time since three winners of the Gijón test will meet, such as Maikel Melero, Edgar Torronteras and Remi Bizouard. The challenge for everyone is to prevent a new victory for Melero, who is a five-time world champion.

The regular participants in freestyle events really want to compete because since the pandemic they have hardly had a chance to do so. However, for all of them and especially for Melero at this time they have improved their tricks and prepared some new ones. Maikel will present the double back flip and the front flip, as well as the California Roll, in which you turn around on the bike.

But Melero won’t have it easy because both Torronteras and Bizouard are also world champions. Also, Edgar is a gold medalist in the X-Games. The rest of the participants will try to surprise the main favorites to the point that “Loco” Miralles, the driver with the most victories in the Gijón event and who will be a commentator, assures that “this year’s level is very high”.

Spectators who come to the Palacio de los Deportes will see a new landing system for the pilots. It is an inflatable structure that replaces the metallic one of the previous editions and that supposes a greater security for the pilots. In addition, the huge scoreboard hanging from the roof of the enclosure is no longer there because it has been replaced, which will allow higher flights and therefore more spectacle. Tickets are on sale and there will be a space reserved for the Palace ticket offices. What seems certain is that freestyle will once again register a great atmosphere in a test that has become a classic of the Christmas sports programming in Asturias.


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