Halep looking to prove her innocence

The Romanian continues to try to prove her innocence. Halep wants to use all of her resources to return to competing on the women’s circuit as soon as possible. As recognized by Cristian Jura, judge of the Lausanne Court of Arbitration for Sport, Simona will have to follow a few steps.

Simona Halep was suspended after taking a banned substance, called Roxadustat. The suspension goes ahead but Halep continues to try to prove his innocence, something he can do, as Cristian Jura, a judge at the Lausanne Court of Arbitration who is monitoring the case, has commented. Halep must provide the dietary supplement that has the prohibited substance as its active ingredient. Thus he will be able to demonstrate that it could be a contamination.

«I will fight to the end to prove that I never knowingly took any prohibited substance. I have faith that sooner or later, the truth will come out. It’s not about titles or money. It is for the honor and for the love story that I have lived with tennis for the last 25 years », Halep explained on her social networks after learning of his suspension a few weeks ago.

The words of Cristian Jura, judge of the Lausanne Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

«You will have to show that the dietary supplement you ingested shared a production chain with a medicine that has Roxadustat as an active ingredient, showing that cross contamination was likely. In addition, he will have to show that he used the search engines of the World Anti-Doping Agency to find out that what he was ingesting was not against the laws of that institution.

«The next step will be a hearing in which the Tennis Integrity Unit can maintain or withdraw the provisional sanction that weighs on it. The time for his innocence or guilt to be decided will be at a later hearing, at Sport Resolutions in London.. If the result is not satisfactory for her, she could appeal and the case would go to the TAS«.


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