Invitation from Rainer Breitenstein to judo training

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The current department head of the MTG Judo department, Jens Bader, invited his long-time predecessor in this office, Rainer Breitenstein, who managed the fate of the Judo department for over 33 years, to the Berger-Höhe-Turnhalle for the final training session in 2022. All the judokas present were delighted that Rainer Breitenstein showed up in a judo suit again after so many years.

Among other things, he demonstrated some throwing techniques and mastered them like in the old days. There was much to share about the state of the department at this point. The youth work is going well, many belt tests were held and Jens Bader and Gerhart Heinzelmann made their black belt, 1st DAN.

The ex-head of department was very impressed with the development of the judo department under Jens Bader. Overall, the judo department has survived the past two Corona years, in which training could not take place, well. The number of members is satisfactory and tends to increase again in the youth sector. There were also positive newcomers in the adult sector.

At the end of the training there was a drink and some snacking, and there was still enough time for further exchange. Everyone present agreed to do it again.


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