La Dolfina is the champion of the Palermo Open, on the happiest polo day for Adolfo Cambiaso

Duel of cousins: Poroto Cambiaso and Camilo Castagnola, two young stars in the final of the Palermo Open that La Dolfina clearly beat La Natividad. – Credits: @LA NACION/Santiago Filipuzzi

The story took place in Palermo. On a Friday, so as not to step on the World Cup in Qatar. For the pole, the Argentine Open Championship is the world. And the hug between the father and the son of Argentine helmets remained as a photo for all time: The Dolfina prevailed over the nativity by 13 a 9 and conquered for the 15th time the biggest tournament on the planet. For Adolfo Cambiasothe 18th. And for his son of 17 years, bean, first. There are no more pending goals in the crack race of 47 years.

“It was my most difficult Open”surprised number 1. “Because before I had Pablo [Mac Donough], but now I had to worry about Beans. In the end, I didn’t have to worry: he already plays much better than me”, justified Dolfi. And he continued to make an impact with what he said about the game: “I didn’t enjoy it. I will surely enjoy it a lot tonight.”

A photo for history: Adolfo Cambiaso and Adolfo Cambiaso with The Championship Cup, the last wish to fulfill in the career of the crack from Cañuelas.

A photo for history: Adolfo Cambiaso and Adolfo Cambiaso with The Championship Cup, the last wish to fulfill in the career of the crack from Cañuelas. – Credits: @LA NACION/Santiago Filipuzzi

In the euphoria of the palenques, Cambiaso was able to go further, leave immediately. And think in perspective: “This is a dream come true with a lot of work. I can not believe it. I have to thank Maria [Vázquez, su esposa], that allowed me this dream. I can’t ask for more”, an exhausted Adolfito was pleased. That the second great pleasure of the day was given: a while before, La Dolfina, with her daughter Mia de ella, had won the Argentine Women’s Open. “An impressive, exciting day,” Cambiaso described his Friday. And even he had room to get out of the political: “Now, may Argentina win”alluded to the soccer team, which this Saturday will face Australia in the round of 16 of Qatar 2022.

In turn, Poroto expressed with his usual humility: “I can’t believe it: I was given to win this, that everyone dreams of. I thank my colleagues, who supported me in all of them. Everything is theirs; otherwise it would not have been possible”. And he commented on the game: “We were able to make a difference, but we were far from relaxing because La Natividad is a great team.”

The happiness of Poroto Cambiaso, champion of Palermo at the age of 17;  the teenager excelled in the initial chukkers and had a good finish in his first final in the world's top tournament.

The happiness of Poroto Cambiaso, champion of Palermo at the age of 17; the teenager excelled in the initial chukkers and had a good finish in his first final in the world’s top tournament. – Credits: @LA NACION/Santiago Filipuzzi

Was the development as Adolfito’s son said? Indeed. In the initial chukker, La Dolfina won 2-0, with even more superiority in the game than in the score. He had the initiative during the six and a half minutes and almost did not let his opponent cross the half line of the field. Two 30-yard penalties from Poroto Cambiaso, who is playing his first Palermo final, made the difference on the board. The second period continued with the tonic and the 17-year-old boy made it 3-0 with a wonderful finish, but at the end of that quarter La Natividad began to play, he had a wonderful Splash Brothers to discount. A Barto Castagnola the cue broke at full speed, without disregarding the play, he turned the piece he had left and managed to make a backhander. And not just any backhander: an offensive one, a pass to his brother Camilowhich went to the goal for La Natividad to convert for the first time.

The third stage was the definitive awakening of the defending champion. Jeta Castagnola scored an easy penalty, but the goal that rocked the team, and the entire final, was Barto’s spectacular hit on the neck from 80 yards, high and very skewed, for a 3-5 lead that ended up putting the team in the game. defender of the crown

Juan Martín Nero, surprise scorer in the final of the Argentine Open.

Juan Martín Nero, surprise scorer in the final of the Argentine Open. – Credits: @LA NACION/Santiago Filipuzzi

However, something unexpected appeared on the scene: Juan Martin Nero, for some the best defender in history, in scoring facet. Many times he was left as a forward, and escaped forward, and he reached the posts of La Natividad alone. Four goals were scored by the back from Trenque Lauquen, the top scorer in the initial half. With the incursions of number 4, La Dolfina escaped to 8-4, another unexpected scenario for the final. Logical consequence that the blue set he shot 13 times on goal against just 6 of his opponentand that he dominated the game with possession and unchecking.

The defect of the multi-champion painting was the inefficiency. He could have been leading by a bit more, but as if he had pity on his neighboring club, he forgave. The clearest occasion was a flight by Adolfo Cambiaso that ended with a failed last touch and the ball went wide. Adolfito, the father, wears the number 1 shirt but this Palermo Open has him far from being a scorer: with the corner kick that he converted in the fifth period he added barely his ninth goal in the tournament. At that point, La Dolfina was leading 10-6, a good advantage but nothing decisive with three chukkers to go.

Adolfo Cambiaso, at 47, has the pleasure of playing in a Palermo final for the first time with his son, Poroto, 17.

Adolfo Cambiaso, at 47, has the pleasure of playing for the first time in a Palermo final with his son, Poroto, 17. – Credits: @LA NACION/Santiago Filipuzzi

The sixth stage slowed down the game, something that suited La Natividad. That he got three goals in a tangled play that Barto Castagnola defined and that he had a noble gesture from his cousin Cambiaso: Poroto recognized that he had rejected the ball once he had crossed the line. The adolescent did what he had to do morally, and after a while, what he had to do sportingly: he ran as support for his father and when Adolfito failed to shoot, his son corrected and resolved before the same goal, that of Libertador . Important, for La Dolfina to recover the advantage of four goals when their opponent threatened to discount and get within range.

The seventh leg of the match had little to do with the rest, but it continued to be a gain for La Dolfina: a 0-0 draw between interruptions and claims that cut 7 minutes off the possibility of La Natividad turning the result around. Four goals are not impossible to discount at this level and less for the 2021 champion, but they are very difficult against such an opponent, who barely allowed him one goal per period on average.

Nero was a figure because of the goals he scored and because he contained Camilo Castagnola, who was the top scorer in the Open.

Nero was a figure because of the goals he scored and because he contained Camilo Castagnola, who was the top scorer in the Open. – Credits: @LA NACION/Santiago Filipuzzi

And in the eighth and last Camilo Castagnola there was some suspense with a couple of goals and four minutes remaining to reduce the difference, enough time. But two titans appeared: David Stirling, to score his first goal in the tournament in 2022, and Adolfo Cambiaso, the great, the historic crack, to settle the matter with his emotional tenth goal in the championship right in front of his grooms and his people .

La Dofina prevailed 13-9 and was crowned for the 15th time. The 18th of Adolfito Cambiaso, the first of his heir Father and his son merged into an embrace of Argentine helmets in the center of the field after the bell. There are no goals left for the giant from Cañuelas.

The summary of La Dolfina vs. the nativity

  • The Nativity: Camilo Castagnola, 10; Pablo Pieres, 10; Bartolomé Castagnola (h.), 10, and Ignatius Du Plessis, 9. Total: 39.

  • The Dolfina: Adolph Exchange (h.), 10; David Stirling, 10; Adolphus Exchange (n.), 9, and John Martin Nero, 10. Total:

  • Progression: La Dolfina, 2-0, 3-1, 6-4, 8-4, 10-6, 11-7, 11-7 and 13-9.

  • La Dolfina top scorers: Cambiaso (h.), 2 (1 from a corner); Stirling, 1; Cambiaso (n.), 5 (2 penalties), and Nero, 5. From the Nativity: C. Castagnola, 6 (3 penalties), and B. Castanola, 3.

  • Judges: Gaston Lucero and Martin Pascual. Referee: Jose Ignacio Araya.

  • Basketball court: No. 1 of Palermo.

La Dolfina, champion also in women

In the decisive match for the women of the Palermo Open, La Dolfina, the team of Mia Cambiaso, Nina Clarkin and Milagros and Candela Fernández Araujo, defeated La Irenita 10-6.

The euphoria of the girls of La Dolfina in the victory over La Irenita

The euphoria of the girls of La Dolfina in the victory over La Irenita – Credits: @Santiago Filipuzzi


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