L’Expression: Nationale – Tikjda finally comes alive!

The 2022 winter season was officially launched this weekend, of course it was from the Cnlst, the National Sports and Leisure Center of Tikjda. The Cnlst is simply synonymous with relaxation, being located in the health resort of Tikjda, at an altitude of more than 1400 m, in the heart of a splendid forest and enjoying a pleasant microclimate during all seasons of the year. , especially in winter, the snow dresses its mountains all in white, confronted with the greenery of the woods, which gives the greatest happiness of the populations, the most marvelous panoramic views. This weekend Abdelkrim Lamouri, the wali of Bouira, accompanied by the president of the APW Kamel Bousta and a large delegation composed of civil and military authorities, were all received at the level of the Cnlst by its director general Smail Meziani and executives of his establishment. This gave a special dimension to the launch of the 16th edition of the winter season by the chief executive of the wilaya. Thus, the delegation took part in an action of afforestation of shrubs, visited a craft exhibition including, in particular, authentic local products from Djurdjura (figs, olives, dresses, jewels, etc.). The craftsmen had come from the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou and Bouira. Then, the wali as usual, lit the fireplace of the establishment “it is part of the rituals of the establishment” suggests an employee of the center. Before leaving, Abdelkrim Lamouri returned at length to the importance of developing tourism in the wilaya of Bouira, especially mountain tourism. He recalls that this wilaya has an enormous virgin tourist potential, therefore very profitable “in parallel with the agricultural sector, mountain tourism is also to be promoted, we have paradisiacal and tourist sites par excellence” he affirms, while ensuring the support of public services so that this season takes place in good conditions. we have taken all the necessary security and preventive measures, “he reassures. Moreover, from the point of view of reception capacity, Khaled Djllal, the director of communication of the Cnlst reported no less than 600 beds available, distributed by the different units of the establishment, namely the Kef chalet, the Djurdjura, the inn, and the Tikjda unit. The same official specified that for better care of tourists, the establishment periodically or whenever necessary carries out rehabilitation operations on the premises. “Besides, Block F is currently being rehabilitated,” he said. In perspective and in the very near future, Khaled Djellal mentioned the reception of two new hotels currently in the equipment phase, he specifies, the expected capacity will be more than 172 beds. As for the entertainment component, we learn that an entertainment service has been set up and is specifically responsible for the relaxation of customers. Our interlocutor, in order to enrich the stay of the customers, indicated that a rich and varied program is offered to them daily. He cites, among other things, skiing, climbing, archery, hiking on snow with snowshoes, etc. all these activities are supervised by specialized coaches, he tells us, recalling that artistic evenings are often organized, sometimes dedicated to adults and sometimes to children. The National Sports and Leisure Center of Tikjda is nothing but a jewel to be protected and promoted, it is a natural site whose flora is made up of ancient trees and the fauna made up of a wide variety of species. rare. Tikjda is certainly very much in demand by local visitors, but also several hundred foreign tourists go there each year. Also, it is up to the supervisors of this establishment and all the staff to not only preserve the friendliness and credibility of this site, but to move forward, by offering services that meet the expectations of visitors. Finally, the National Sports and Leisure Center of Tikjda is especially renowned for its dual vocation, sporting and touristic, it is indeed the ideal place for the training of national clubs. Besides, it has a sports center of excellence, containing state-of-the-art state-of-the-art equipment, dedicated to the care and recovery of athletes. We will come back to the sports component at the Cnslt in the next report.


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