Lighting up a happy and beautiful life in Hangzhou: Asian Games venues Huimin explore the “Golden Horn and Silver Edge” to deepen the integration of sports and education to improve digital and intelligent sports-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

Light up a happy and beautiful life in Hangzhou: the Asian Games venue Huimin discovers the “golden corner and silver edge” to deepen the integration of sports and education and improve digital and intelligent sports

Hangzhou Daily News Sports is an important force to unite people’s hearts and light up a better life, and it is also the key to start a new journey of “two first” practice. In the past year, the Hangzhou Municipal Sports Bureau insisted on reform and innovation measures such as optimizing and upgrading public sports services and building a city of competitions, leading the high-quality development of Hangzhou’s sports industry, promoting the construction of common prosperity and happiness at a high level, and accelerating the creation of a world-class society Contribute to sports in socialist modernized international metropolises.

The Asian Games venues benefit the people first, and maximize the social effects of the Asian Games venues

“Can I reserve a badminton court tonight?” “Is there still a table tennis court tomorrow?” On May 25 this year, Hangzhou Gymnasium officially reopened to the public, and immediately became one of the most popular stadiums among Hangzhou citizens. As the Asian Games boxing and Asian Para Games boccia venues, Hangzhou Gymnasium has often received consultation calls from citizens since it was closed for renovation. Against the background of the postponement of the Asian Games, venues quickly shifted their work focus from event preparation to opening to the outside world. 14 table tennis courts are free to use, 4 squash courts and 6 badminton courts are charged at a low cost, truly realizing “benefiting the people” and giving back to the society.

In order to better realize the inclusive sharing of the Asian Games dividends and ensure the smooth progress of the opening of the Asian Games venues to benefit the people before the games, the Hangzhou Sports Bureau formulated and implemented the “Overall Plan for the Comprehensive Utilization of the Asian Games Stadiums in Hangzhou” and launched the “Ten Measures for the Benefits of the Stadiums in Hangzhou” 》, adhere to the principle of “people-oriented, digital empowerment, adaptation to local conditions, public welfare and openness”, optimize the service of national fitness venues, and maximize the social effects of Asian Games venues.

At present, 41 Asian Games venues in the city have been fully opened to benefit the people. In addition to normalized Asian Games project experience, public welfare training, professional teaching, competition activities, Asian Games cultural exhibition and other special open operation activities, some venues also simultaneously open parking lots and other facilities to surrounding citizens to alleviate the problem of urban parking difficulties and integrate the functions of the venues. sex maximization. Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration, also highly appreciated the measures to benefit the people before the Hangzhou Asian Games venues during his investigation in Hangzhou.

Discover the “golden horn and silver edge” of urban space and set off a new wave of national fitness

In order to promote the construction of sports facilities around the masses according to local conditions and further improve the supply of functional sports facilities in Hangzhou, the Hangzhou Sports Bureau has formulated the “Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of Embedded Sports Facilities in Hangzhou (2022-2024)”. Through the use of different types of urban “golden corners and silver edges” such as space under the bridge, roofs, parks and waterfront greenways, it can meet the diverse daily exercise needs of different groups of people.

In November this year, Hangzhou’s first street basketball game held on an embedded sports venue was held at the three-person basketball court in Xintiandi Time Park, Dongxin Street, Gongshu District. The layout provides important reference and reference. According to statistics, in 2022, there will be 308 new sports and fitness facilities around the masses in the city, and 2,243 venues of 7 types, including “three big balls”, “three small balls” and gateball, covering an area of ​​789,000 square meters. The supply structure of sports venues will be further optimized. The annual per capita sports field area is expected to increase to more than 2.6 square meters.

At the same time, the Hangzhou Municipal Sports Bureau has solidly promoted the “30,000 Actions” (carrying out 10,000 special physical education classes on campus, 10,000 national fitness events and scientific fitness guidance into communities (villages), and 10,000 national fitness venues for low-cost and free opening special actions) , enrich mass sports activities and set off a new upsurge in national fitness.


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