Progre stomped again in Entre Ríos

With the passing of the games, Del Progreso is forging his identity in this season of the Argentine Basketball League. The formation of Juan Marcos Kass is consolidated as a team that, when it exceeds 85 points, it is very difficult to lose.

The higher the scoring, the better for the Auriazules, who last night defeated Parque Sur 98-70 in Concepción del Uruguay. It was in the third of the four games that the team from Roca will face in four days, because tonight they will close their second tour of the season against Rocamora in the same Entre Ríos city.

The balance in this tour is already very positive and thus the Rio Negro team settles in the position table of the Southern Conference of the second national category.

Park 70- Progress 98

One of Progre’s best weapons to reach the goal is the shot of three and with a 12/28 (43%) he made it clear that he was going to score a lot from the first quarter (22-28). Hernán Losito (15) and Gustavo Maranguello (16) they led the offensive of the visit and the differences in hierarchy began to become clearer in the second set. The 15 difference with which they went to the long break gave the Roquense team peace of mind.


In the second half, Progre did nothing more than accentuate the trend. He came to have six players in double digits, because they joined Facundo Sanz (14), Leonardo Solís (13), Marco Roumec (12) and Nicolás Peralta (11).

The last quarter was played for statistics and the maximum difference was 35 points. The representative from Río Negro rotated his squad, had variants everywhere and closed an impeccable night.

Although Parque Sur lacked its foreign Taurus Adams II, it showed very little against a Progre team that once again imposed itself as a visitor with great authority, as it had already done against Quilmes de Mar del Plata.

Of the six victories he has won this season, half are away from home. Today at 8:00 p.m. he will close his tour of Entre Ríos against Rocamora.

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