Renewed sports hall Axion opens with a full sports morning (Geel)

Over the past two years, the Axion sports center has undergone a major expansion and radical renovation. There will be a sporty opening party on Sunday. — © city of Geel


Those who want to try out a new branch of sports can join one of the ten sports and games initiations in the Axion sports hall on Sunday 11 December. With these sessions for young and old, the renovated complex officially opens its doors.

Hans Otten

About a year ago, the first sports clubs were already able to use the new large hall of the Axion sports complex in Zwaardvoedersspoor. The first phase of the renovation and expansion, which started at the beginning of 2021, then involved the construction of a large sports hall, with two multipurpose spaces that can be combined into one large one. In addition to the changing rooms, four new squash boxes and a seating stand with four hundred seats were also installed. But in recent months, the following renewal phases have also continued.

These consisted of the complete renovation of the old, familiar sports hall and the construction of a new dance hall, a new martial arts hall, and fitness and catering facilities. Together they form Axion 2.0, together with sports site De Leunen, the pride of sports Geel. On Friday evening, December 9, Flemish Minister for Sport Ben Weyts will be visiting the Merciful Stede to cut the traditional ribbon, but the general public can enjoy a sports party on Sunday morning, December 11.

From dance to judo

Then there are all kinds of initiations in which everyone can participate for free. It is not even necessary to register in advance, just showing up on time with a great desire to move is sufficient. For the (very) youngest there is multimove (climbing and clambering over obstacles) and a few bouncy castles. Sports enthusiasts from the age of 6 can choose the basics of badminton, squash, dance, karate, jujitsu or judo under expert guidance. Lü’s electronic play wall and VR games can also be tried out.

The opening day will take place on Sunday 11 December from 9 am to 1 pm. Please note, not all activities run throughout the morning.


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