the Euphoric Blues in the locker room dancing to Freed from Desire

LE SCAN SPORT – The French team celebrated its qualification by resuming the famous Gala hit in the locker room.

Winners of Poland 3-1 late Sunday afternoon, the Blues validated their ticket for the quarter-finals of the World Cup where they will face England. But before turning to the shock against the selection of the Three Lions, the men of Didier Deschamps celebrated in the locker room their new success in Qatar.

Unsurprisingly, it’s to the rhythm of the piece signed Gala in 1996 Freed from Desire that the tricolor selection celebrated its qualification in the locker room. In a short video sequence posted on social networks, the French Football Federation revealed this moment of collective jubilation during which we can see all the players singing and dancing, taking up the chorus of the Italian singer.

The choice of this piece inspired by a Buddhist prayer is certainly not innocent in Qatar since it is regularly taken up during LGBT parades. A way for the Blues to send a message after the many controversies linked to violations of the rights of certain minorities, in particular homosexuals in the host country.

The XV of France also adopted this tube

Gala Rizzatto, the transalpine artist to whom we owe this No. 1 hit in sales in France, Belgium, Italy, or even Spain at the end of the last century, has moreover welcomed the recovery of his work by the French team on social networks: “France holds a special place in my heart, because the French have always shown a lot of love, not only to my song, but also to me as an artist. However, this recovery is not a first. Before France, several nations had seized it to galvanize the fans. Well beyond football, moreover, since the XV of France also adopted it under the Galthié era.

SEE ALSO – Statistics, reactions… What to remember from France-Poland (3-1)


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