The former NBA star sued by his ex-wife over his transgender daughter: “She wants to help her transition for money”

After coming out in the 2020the daughter 15 enne transgender of the former basketball champion Dwyane Wade e Siohvaughn Funches has now become the subject of a legal battle between the parents. Zaya Wade she is now a model and influencer with 600 thousand follower su Instagram. With his father’s current wife, the actress Gabrielle Unionappeared on the cover of the magazine Self proud of his journey. But her mother would not be of the same opinion. The accusation di Siohvaughn Funches it is to the ex-husband, “guilty” according to the woman of pushing towards the minor daughter towards the medical transition. The former champion Dwyane Wade he was thus sued by his ex-wife to avoid, according to her, that the choice of medical transition be made before the age of 18: according to the documents filed in court, the mother is “worried that he is doing pressure for change by name and gender to take advantage of its financial opportunities».

Transition surgery

The economic feedback would be the real point of the matter, with a father suspected of encouraging the transition decision to start the 15-year-old on the path of various transgender stars who come to earn money on social networks hundreds of thousands of dollars. On December 12, the couple’s case will go to court and “could have serious repercussions”, as reports the American magazine Air Mail. “Even more than pronouns, library trans books or unisex restrooms, the issue of gender transition surgery in youth has become a deep rift line, but it is also debated within the trans movement.”

The age of transition is one of the hottest topics in American policy on the subject. From the governor of Florida Ron DeSantispossible Republican candidate for the White House, who promotes surgery and hormonal therapies for transgender minors, to the Texas governor Greg Abbott who, on the contrary, has given indications of launch investigations into abuse on minors with parents that allow children to access these interventions. A decision that instead finds opposition in the choices of the Biden administration, contrary to any limitation of treatment for gender affirmation even in minors, including those related to psychological assistance.

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