The Houga. Christmas party at the judo dojo

All the judokas and their families met during training to accompany the judokas during the last judo lesson of the year.

“We were able to do very good training during which we awarded two yellow belts to Dorian and Elie. The first part of the season shows very good attendance during the Tuesday and Friday judo lessons provided by Gérald Hourcade and Alain Pé. A very good participation in the competitions and activities organized by the Gers department”, rejoice the leaders of the club. “Two of our judokas, Théo and Noha Aimable are training in refereeing and sports stewards for the organization of competitions and discover another form of activity in judo”. The evening continued in the village hall for a convivial and warm moment around an aperitif dinner proposed and offered by the Folgarian judo club.

He now gives an appointment to all his judokas, Tuesday January 3 from 6 p.m.; and wish them all a very happy end of the year.

Information: on Judo Club Folgarien from Alain Saint-Pé on 07 83 54 22 52.


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