the symptoms of the new flu

A new flu has arrived in Italy. It’s called Australiana and will peak before February, how to recognize it and how to cure it

Alarm in Italy for the arrival of one new flu.

Is called Australianfrom the name of the country where it originated, and its incidence is growing dramatically, above all among children aged 0 to 2 years.

Influenza data

Dal Influnet report it emerges that the number of Italians who have been in the last week home sick amounts to approx 762 miles. Nothing has changed compared to the pre-pandemic flu, on the contrary “it came back worse than it left us in 2019”.

The director of the prevention department of the Ministry of Health John Rezza pronounces on the arrival of the peak of the new flu, claiming it will come before the traditional mid-February. Talk about a «bizzarro virus»of which there may be cases of high intensity.

Aussie symptoms

It is an influence that lasts on average five days from the onset of symptoms. Which? Sore throat, bone ache, cold, exhaustion e inappetence.

Last but not least, the fever: mostly very high and rising rapidly, but not to be alarmed about. What to do? Doctors advise to base a absolute rest. It’s okay to take antipyretic to lower the temperature, antibiotics are not recommended unless administered by your doctor (antibiotics do not work against viruses).


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