“There is the risk of seeing the Serie A and B classifications distorted at the start of the second round”


Michael Criscitello in the editorial on Sportitalia.com he had his say on possible developments on the capital gains case. Here’s what she wrote:

“We spent Christmas Eve reading the 106 pages of the federal prosecutor’s office on the capital gains case. Juventus is in the crosshairs and, consequently, the clubs that have done business with the Old Lady”. And he continues: “The Juventus club can be investigated for the balance sheet affair, for the spread of salaries, but on capital gains we risk making a hole in the water. The fact is that now, suddenly, the Federation has decided to reopen a case and even run. It looks so much like a circus. From a closed investigation to one due to urgently reopen which will go to discussion and sentence even on January 20th. That is in 11 days. Yes, don’t worry, I can still count. If we remove Christmas, New Year and the Epiphany, Italy will start working again on January 9th. And there will be 11 days left for a possible heavy sentence. The Federal Prosecutor’s Office will go with a heavy hand with the requests for penalties and the risk will be to see the Serie A and Serie B classifications turned upside down at the beginning of the second round. Translated: after having made the world laugh by not participating in the World Cup, we will make everyone laugh again with anomalous rankings in the middle of the championship. Falsifying everything. Do you want to know how it will go? They will ask for penalty points, in the first instance they will get something, then in the second instance the maxi discounts arrive because we go into politics in the second instance and in the meantime we will also find asterisks on the doormat at home. Italian clown for a case of capital gains that would have to be proven and that cannot be closed three months in advance and suddenly reopened when Santa Claus calls us at home”.


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