BADMINTON: At ease, Blaise!

L’Amiens UC Badminton closes the first leg of the Pre-National Championship with a fine 6-2 victory against Lezennes.

For this second home game of the season, the Amiens were keen to confirm their latest away success in front of their audience, this time. If the Samariens started out as favorites, they were able to confirm, sometimes narrowly, by winning 6-2 against the bottom of the championship. Back to the thread of the meeting.

The duel between the two teams begins with two singles. On the one hand, Candice De Kerf (R6), for his first selection in Pre-Nationalis opposed to Emilie Cauchy (R5) in women’s singles 2. On the other, Yvon Crepelle (N2) faces Remi Christian (N2) for men’s singles 1. For women, despite a failed start to the match fromAmiens (11-2 at the break), the one who is still only Junior has shown great maturity, not losing her means despite her opponent’s soaring score. His serenity will have allowed him to go back to the score. She will only finally bow 16-21 in the first run. In the second set, the match is disputed and the two players offer beautiful exchanges. Nevertheless, the Lezennoise wins more widely 14-21. 1-0 for Lezennes.

On the other fieldYvon Crepelle went into diesel mode. If in the first round, his opponent dominates and wins 15-21, the Amiens quickly remobilized and left no room for doubt by winning 21-9 / 21-11. 1-1 between the two teams.

In men’s doubles, Crepin/Dumont (N2/N3) face D’haene/Pryen (R4/N3). After a relatively disputed first set, which the Samarians pocketed 21-17, the Amiens pair took off in the second set and won 21-12. 2-1 for Amiens.

In parallel, Rachel Messan (R5) is opposed to Duilia Kuzniarek (R5) in women’s singles 1. A balanced opposition on paper, which quickly turns in favor of the Lezennoise, the player from Amiens UC committing too many faults. In the second round, there is a match! The two players go blow for blow, the Samarian finds enthusiasm and regularity, which allows him to win in extremis 22-20. The decisive set turns in favor of the local who comes to win 21-17. 3-1 for Amiens.

And double ladies, The Kerf/Liard (R6), outsiders, have a very good match against Bruyneel/Trouillet (R4/R5). If they lose 21-15 in the first set, in the second, they take off with the score leading 16-13. But, too irregular, the Amiens see them Northerners pick up the score. In a breathless end to the set, with exchanges that last, it is finally the Lezennoise pair who wins 29-27to the chagrin of the public who was not against a third set. 3-2 for Amiens.

Public and vuvuzela go hand in hand

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On the other field, Lucas Petit (N3) is opposed to Mathieu D’haene (R5). If the first set turns in favor of the visitor (12-21), the Samaritanscarried by his public, regained ease and colors, which allowed him to sign his first victory of the season 21-13 / 21-8. 4-2 for Amiens.

At this stage, only a small dot is missing from the Amiens to pocket their second success of the season. The pair Crepin/Messan (N2/N3), aligned in mixed doubles 1 face to Chretien/Kuzniarek (N3), is surprised in the first act which turns to the advantage of the visitors (18-21). The mixed Amiens regained the advantage in the second set and won 21-12. Carried by the public, who will succeed in outsmarting the player from Lezen with encouragement and vuvuzelas, the Amiens captain and his teammate won the decisive round 21-16. 5-2 for Amiens.

In the last game of the match, Crepelle/Liard (N3/R4) are opposed to Pryen/Bruyneel (N3). After a first set quickly put in their pocket by the Amiens (21-10), the second set turns out to be more contested and turns in favor of the Northerners (18-21). In the final set of the match, the mixed Amiens took the lead, despite disputed points. They do not tremble and end up winning 21-15, thus bringing thee 6th point to the Amiens collective and preventing Lezennes to pocket the defensive bonus.

At the end of this 5th day, which closes the first leg of the championship, the people of Amiens rank 3rd of their hen. Author of a solid performance during this last meeting, the collective confirms its good recovery in the general classification, after a mixed start to the season. We will have to surf on this positive dynamic next January 28where the Samarians are preparing to receive in turn the Béthunois. At the start of the season, the two teams had left on a parity score (4-4).

Full results HERE

Photo credit: Léandre LEBER – Gazette Sports

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