“Centro per Marino” and “Noi Marino” support FI for re-election of the Cavallari regional councilor

Published: Thursday, 26 January 2023 – Political editorial staff

MARINO (politics) – Tomorrow aperitif with the candidates for Marino. Francesco Rocca and Maurizio Gasparri were present

ilmamilio.it – ​​press release

The civic lists “The Center for Marino” represented by the municipal councilor Robert Raparelli e “We Marino” by the coordinator, former candidate for mayor Fabio Martella will support the candidacies for the Regional Council in the Forza Italia lists of candidates in the regional elections of 12 and 13 February Henry Cavallarioutgoing regional councilor, president of the XII Commission – Protection of the territory, coastal erosion, emergencies and major risks, civil protection, reconstruction, former councilor for personnel of Roma Capitale in the council led by mayor Gianni Alemanno (2008-2013) who will run in tandem with the doctor Paula Massimiappreciated official of the Ministry of Economic Development.

Tomorrow, Friday 27 January 2023 from 7.30 pm at the Cesarino La Perla restaurant in via Romana 12 (Pantanella area) the two candidates will introduce themselves to the citizens of Marino during an aperitif which will also be attended by the senator Maurice GasparriRoman coordinator of Forza Italia e Francesco Roccacandidate for the presidency of the Lazio Region for the centre-right coalition.

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