Flavin. The new cycle of sports events for the over 60s has begun

Motivated over 60s from Flavin and its outskirts can register for the new cycle of sports events in Lévezou. The AS60+ sessions started mid-January and will continue until the end of March.

These sporting and adapted activities are offered free of charge (and non-competitive) every Wednesday from 10:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Flavin village hall.

The Petr-Syndicat Mixte du Lévézou and Fred, its territorial sports educator, are impatiently waiting for new members (five have already registered) to try archery in an adapted, fun and friendly way.

Whatever the age, the physical abilities, everyone is invited, according to their availability, to come and test this activity and especially this kind of animations.

Registration is done online on the website. levezou.fr (Animating the Lévézou > Sports 60 + > Sports Activities 60 +) or with Fred on 06 30 26 62 64 or by email at [email protected]

The new Robin Hood may be hiding on the territory of the commune, who knows?…


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