Handball World Cup: Germany, future opponent of the Blues in the quarter-finals

So it will be Germany. Defeated (28-26) for the first time since the start of the competition, Germany joined France in the quarter-finals of the World Cup. The Blues therefore avoid Norway, stronger on paper, but should not believe themselves already qualified in advance for the last four.

Disappointing in the last edition with a 12th place far from its ambitions and other great nations, the Nationalmannschaft has been chasing an international title since its success at the Euro in 2016. Its record in the 21st century comes down to another gold medal. continental gold (2004) and a world championship in 2007. Very, very far from France, which has won four times more since 2000!

She has nevertheless recovered a little health since the start of this World Cup. Before falling against the Norwegians, the players of the Icelandic coach Alfred Gislason had chained five victories in as many games, in the preliminary round against Qatar (31-27), Serbia (34-33), Algeria (37-21 ), then against Argentina (39-19) and the Netherlands (33-26) in the main round.

It relies on a group where the old, like the emblematic Andreas Wolff (31), goalkeeper of Kielce (where Nicolas Tournat, Nedim Remili, and Dylan Nahi play) in Poland, rub shoulders with the promising renewal, at the image of Juri Knorr, 22 years old and author of 10 opening goals against Qatar. The specificity of this training is to bring together only players who play in the Bundesliga (apart from Wolff), but not only in the best clubs (only two in Flensburg, only one in Kiel and Flensburg).

Whether it’s Germany or Norway in the quarter does not change much for the Blues. On the strength of their six victories, including the very convincing one against Spain this Sunday, Guillaume Gille’s group intends to go all the way. This necessarily involves growing adversity, while all the favorites are there. “This world championship is now starting, explained Vincent Gérard this Sunday. We’ll see who we play against on Wednesday. I don’t have a particular preference, we’ll see, anyway, the calculations are not really a good thing. »

For the record, France and Germany have only met twice in three years: in a friendly last January and at the Games the summer before. The Blues have each time won by a small goal (35-34 and 30-29). There is no doubt that they will be satisfied with it once again if the scenario is rewritten identically…


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