“It was my best game since playing in Brescia, but I can also do better. The physicality of this match will help us for the game against Badalona”

Brescia. Tai Odiase, back from his best performance in Brescia, has the task of commenting on the defeat with Trentio: “A basketball game is made up of two halves – begins Tai – and our first half was very bad. When you have to use a lot of energy, too much, to get back then you struggle and you risk losing as in fact happened”.

This is your best match in Brescia. Do you agree?

“I really think so.”

Will there be other performances like this?

“I will do everything that Pallacanestro Brescia asks of me, but I will certainly try to improve myself and push myself further”.

What do you think went wrong tonight? What was the problem of not winning a game that could be won as we have seen?

“Second quarter defense was the main problem. We conceded too many three points and easy shots.”

Tai Odiase super Atkins

It was a battle today, a very physical match. Is it a situation that belongs to you? Do you like to play hard?

“Everyone would like to win easy. Yes, I feel comfortable in this type of match. Even if we all put in a lot of physical effort to make up the points when you’re behind.”

Can today’s physicality be needed to enter Tuesday’s match in the Eurocup?

“I think yes. Trento had a very physical race tonight. It was a good test for the match against Badalona”.

Alessandro Magro says you are making progress in defense as well. Do you think you can still grow?

“I think I can always be better. Especially from a defense point of view.

What did you say to each other in the locker room at the end of the game?

“You have to play two halves and not just one because it’s difficult to win when you have to put so much energy into it when you go down by so many points.”

A hook of Odiase


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