OTC won and remains at the top of the National Basketball League

The light blue triumphed again at home. They defeated La Unión de Formosa 76-70. Charles Mitchell was the figure with 25 points and 11 rebounds. He will play again this Monday when they host San Lorenzo de Almagro.

Obera Tennis Club won again in the stadium Luis Augusto Derna. On this occasion before The Union of Formosa by 76-70. It was an even game where again Charles Mitchell was the figure contributing 25 points and 11 rebounds. Also, Jonathan Torresi and Gaston Cordoba they added another 13 goals each.

It was OTC’s 22nd presentation in the National Basketball League, they had to play a great game to be able to embrace the victory and thus consolidate their locality.

OTC won and is established at the highest.

The Celeste He had a good first set. In the first ten minutes of the game he showed a great game, with Mitchell as a banner and a good defense that allowed him to find spaces for scoring and partially win 27 to 11.

Then, the scoring went down, La Unión reacted, with Henry y Herring as main scoring cards. OTC had the return of Maldonado which was important for rotation, order and scoring. The partial was won by the visit 15-17 and left things 42-28.

After the break, the locals again recovered the difference with a good start to the collective game, based on good defenses. But LUF did not allow the sky-blue to take off on the scoreboard, they found good outside shots to reverse the partial and put the board 54 to 46.

The last ten minutes of the game were almost a carbon copy of the previous one. OTC started well, made a difference of 13 points and when it seemed that it could have a calm closing, the people from Formosa reacted once again, they were able to get as close as 5 points. The missionary team adjusted the defense, did not despair and took advantage of the advantage of the board to win the game despite falling 22-24 in the partial and putting the final score 76-70.

Now, those led by Fabio Demti they have a record of 16 wins and 6 losses. They will play again this Monday when they receive Saint Lawrence from 10 p.m.

Source, OTC press.

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