Racquet sports: physical and tactical

For anyone looking for an activity that is both recreational and physical, appealing to both the head and the legs, and who enjoys face-to-face confrontation with an opponent. Racket sports require a good mind, a tactical sense, you have to build your points and anticipate the trajectories. Contrary to popular belief, there are few contraindications, it is possible to start at any age and everyone can have fun playing at their level.

It is the most practiced, with nearly a million licensees in France. Based on both powerful strikes of the ball and the speed of movement, it leads to working both the lower and the upper body and improves coordination, flexibility, address, but also endurance, leading to variations permanent heartbeats. Tennis requires a minimum of learning, but most clubs offer “discovery” sessions and lessons for all ages and all levels.

In 1873, British officers returning from India relax with the Duke of Beaufort at Badminton Castle in the west of England. After a well-watered meal, the happy fellows want to play poona. This racket game with a shuttlecock, played with a net, was then popular among the English in garrison in the Indian town of Poona; they even established rules as early as 1867. In Badminton, guests make a makeshift projectile out of a champagne cork and feathers. So they didn’t invent anything (…)

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