“Thank you for worrying about me.” Then the message for Morata

Alice Campello is better. A few days after the birth of Bella, who came into the world on January 9, Alvaro Morata’s wife returned to social media to send a message to thank all the people who are concerned about her health. After giving birth, the influencer had complications and she had been admitted to intensive care. Now she is better and she returns to her fans to thank all the people who have been close to her in these days of fear.

Alice Campello returns to social media, the family video

«Thank you all for the beautiful messages, for all the flowers and for caring about me. Thanks to every single person of the Navarra clinic but especially to Dr Muñoz, Dr Chiva , Dr Vaquero, Dr Alonso and all the doctors and midwives (especially Maria Victoria and Raquel)». but the greatest thanks (not only in characters) is for the husband: «THANK YOU Alvaro, you are the love of my life..the best dad I could have chosen for my children and the greatest gift God could give me. I have no words for what you do every day for me and for all the love you give you give me.. you make me feel in every second the center of your life and your priority. I love you».

Social messages

In fact, it was the former Juve player who announced the birth of their little girl, explaining that Alice had had complications after giving birth «Alice is strong and is recovering little by little»and it was always him who informed fans that his wife was fine. «Thank you Alice for once again teaching me a lesson. You are undoubtedly a fighter and an example for me». At the meeting with Bella there were also, in addition to Alvaro, also his three little brothers, the twins Leonardo and Alessandro, and Edoardo. the images are from tears.


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