The Laurentin Karate Club organizes the Asian New Year’s Eve

Martial arts are in the spotlight on Saturday evening.

Saturday January 28, in the multipurpose room of the Latécoère area, chemin de Leucate, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., the Laurentian Karate Club (KCL) chaired by Sébastien Saqué, is organizing the big Asian New Year’s party. This meeting will bring together all the Laurentian and Salanquian associations, as well as some outside the municipality, of martial arts and combat sports: taiji quan, gi gong, kung-fu, vo duong hong, quyen, karate, judo , aikido, sambo, krav maga, taekwondo.

This evening will celebrate the Chinese and Asian New Year which is a unifying moment.

If admission is free, an urn will be placed at the entrance to the room for the benefit of the Restos du Coeur. Just before the fights, the Lion dance will be opened.


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