Under 16 basketball, Magnolia loses one point to the local Ragteber Academy in Hungary


PECS: Subotic 11 (3/13, 1/4), Grets 10 (4/16, 0/4), Halmagyi 19 (7/12, 1/5), Csirke 3 (1/4 da 3), Felso 6 (3/8); Puskas 2 (1/4, 0/1), Babovic 5 (1/3, 1/1), Bojtar 3 (1/1, 0/1), Meszaros 1 (0/3), Ikladi 2 (1/2 ), Torok (0/1), Kesmarik (0/2). All.: Meszler.

CAMPOBASSO: Jackets 15 (6/16, 0/6), Mascia 6 (3/5, 0/1), Rizzo 14 (6/16, 0/2), Pugliese 2 (1/3), Baldassarre 22 (4/10 , 2/5); Sammartino, Del Colle, Di Quinzio 2 (1/2), Splendido, Santillo. All.: Dragonetto.

NOTE: exit for five fouls Halmagyi (Pecs). Free throws: Pecs 8/14; Campobasso 13/24. Rebounds: Pecs 64 (Grets 13); Campobasso 43 (Jackets 10). Assists: Pecs 16 (Grets 6); Campobasso 5 (Jackets 3). Score progression: 11-9 (5′), 28-26 (15′), 48-34 (25′), 62-55 (35′). Maximum advantage: Pecs 16 (62-46); Campobasso 4 (11-15). Mvp of the match: Halmagyi (Pecs) and Jackets (Campobasso).

A test of great substance with a small black-out in the third quarter, amply recovered with a final period of applause with the awareness – in the face of the extreme physicality of one’s opponents – of having given life to a capital test and (perhaps) the small (big) regret for a few too many errors in the line that could have brought the inertia of the dispute, in the end, to the side of the #steelflowers.

In Hungary, in Pecs, against the hosts of the Ragteber Academy, La Molisana Magnolia Campobasso he begins his quadrangular in Magyar land having to give way by only one length, but with the extreme (and strong) awareness of being there.

POINT TO POINT Magnolia tries to give a break at the start, but the Magyars respond blow by blow and take possession of the margin on 9-6, the rossoblù come back and, every time the home quintet tries to give a push, with rhythm and generosity they impact and they also go ahead (11-15), but also suffer a break of 7-0 (18-15), however managing to bring themselves back on the end of the period with Rizzo (18-17).

IDENTICAL CANVAS At the start of the second period, a triple buzzer beater by Baldassare brings the #fiorellinidacciaio forward (18-20), but a new Hungarian break is worth the advantage for the landlords (22-20), the campobassane impact, but it’s a constant go and come like the whirling rhythm you experience on the pitch. Pecs tries to escape on 30-26, the Campobasso however give life to a 5-0 break with which they take the front again (30-31), forcing the Hungarian coach to call us time-out. Pecs scores a 5-0 run with Giaccatti who, with the clock stopped, brings the rossoblù back to only one possession behind.

EMPTY PASSAGE The return from the locker room of the #Fiorellinidacciaio is diesel: Pecs scores a run of 13-0 (48-32) which could weigh strongly on the contest, but it is precisely in the moment of greatest difficulty that the rossoblùs know how to react. A first break of 4-0 (48-36) brings the rossoblùs closer together, who go under the gap in double circle on 50-41. With a triple the Magyars try to get away again, but the Campobasso players don’t lose their bearings and limit the deficit to -10 in the 30th minute (56-46).

IMPERIOUS RETURN At the start of the fourth period, Pecs again puts five possessions between themselves and the Rossoblù (60-46). Dragonetto who had already called time-out after 41 seconds, further registers the team which, despite suffering a new maximum disadvantage (62-46) after 57 seconds, from that moment on double-locks the doors of its own basket. For 9’03” the Magyars fail to score, while the Campobasso players score a 15-0 run which brings them closer to a sensational feat.

Which lacks, in order to be completely complete, a little more precision with the clock stopped (eleven errors at the end from the free throws), but which remains at the same time splendid because, in the team’s first international outing, the very young Campobasso they frightened – and not a little – a leading reality of the international movement such as Pecs.

PROUD DRAGON Reason for deep satisfaction for the rossoblù coach Francesco Dragonetto. «The girls – he argues in the closed report – were very good at playing it to the end. It wasn’t simple against their physicality, but they were good at interpreting it and giving it their all to the end. Too bad about the start of the third period which led us to have to try to give life to a very intense final effort, but I’m happy because they wanted to play fully and doubly happy because all of them, even those who came here to have an experience , have given their contribution when they have been called into question. Now a second day of intense and tough competition awaits us, but it will also be an opportunity for further experience».

MAJARY SATURDAY The second day of competition in Pecs will see the Campobasso players take the field for no less than two circumstances in the arena of the Hungarian town: at 11 the match against the Belgians from the AWBB Training Center in Brussels is scheduled and then, at 14.30, there will be the match with the Slovenian side Zkk Cinkarna Celje.

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QUADRANGULAR OF PECS, THE RESULTS OF THE FIRST DAY: Pecs-La Molisana Magnolia Campobasso 62-61Brussels-Celje 77-79.

THE RANKING: Celje e Pecs 2; The Molisana Magnolia Campobasso in Brussels 0.

NEXT SHIPS: (14/01/2023) La Molisana Magnolia Campobass-Bruxelles (11 am), Celje-La Molisana Magnolia Campobasso (2.30 pm)Bruxelles-Pecs (ore 18.30); (15/01/2023) Pecs-Celje (hours 10).


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