Viola Basket away to Mestre, a replacement for Renzi is being sought on the market

Viola Reggio Calabria flies to Mestre. Tomorrow afternoon (ball at two o’clock 17), black and orange on stage at the PalaVega, in the first day of the second leg of the Serie B championship.

Goodbye Renzi

Bolignano will look for precious salvation points in Veneto, however, having to face the absence of the now ex Captain Renzi. The pivot was freed on Thursday after Trapani’s long courtship.

Despite the black-orange desire to keep the former blue pivot, the player’s willingness to return to A2 and in his former team he eventually prevailed, depriving Bolignano of one of the fixed points of the first half of the season. Gm Barrile is looking for a replacement, but so far the very complicated basket-market has not brought an alternative to the void left by Renzi to the shores of the Strait.

The opponent

Mestre is fresh from the forfeit victory against Palermo, who deserted the commitment in Veneto. In the last two games played, however, the red and white lost against Vicenza and Petrarca Padova, abdicating the championship lead in favor of Calvani’s Orzinuovi. For the red and whites the season average points which stands at just over 76 per game, with very positive rebound percentages for the team coached by coach Ciocca.


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