Almost half of university professors in Spain do not have a permanent contract

02/28/2023 at 15:25


Women represent 43.7% of teaching and research staff at universities, which last year stood at 133,484

He 54.1% of university teachers they are permanent, which implies that almost half of them do not have a permanent contract; 57.4% work full time; and 71.9% are doctors.

This is reflected in the ‘University personnel statistics’ for the 2021-2021 academic year of the Ministry of Universities which reflects that the average age of university professors is 49.4 years, being in the case of women three years less than the average age of men.

The total staff of the universities in the 2021-2022 academic year amounts to 229,270 personnel (2.63% more than in the previous year), of which 133,484 correspond to teaching and research personnel (PDI), 66,593 to administration and services personnel (PAS) and 29,193 to the whole of the employed research personnel (PEI). ) and technical research support staff (PTA).

The teaching and research staff at universities last year stood at 133,484, which is 2.76% more than in the previous year. Of these, 43.7% are women.

Of the total personnel in the universities, Ministry data indicates that 192,041 belong to public universities and 37,229 to private universities. TOYes, 17.5% of the total teaching staff belongs to private universities where the staff is somewhat younger, with a higher percentage of women (46.6%).

The average age of the teaching staff

The average age of official teacher is 55.8 years old, being in the particular case of the 59-year-old university professor. 37.5% of civil servants are women, standing at 26.3% for female university professors.

By category: the tenured university professor represents 25.4% of the total teaching staff, followed by the figure of the associate professor who represents 25.3% of the total number of teachers. The area with the most teachers is Health and Social Services with 20,732 teachers, of whom 51.8% are women.

The field of education is the one with the greatest presence of women teachers has 55.4%. However, in the fields of Science, Engineering, Industry and Construction and Computer Science (STEM fields) the percentage of women teachers stands at 38.2%, 24.8% and 20.5%.

Regarding the merits of the investigation of the career civil servant: 85.2% have at least one six-year term, 4.6% have reached the maximum quota of paid six-year terms (6 six-year terms) and 49.5% have the maximum six-year terms that they can reach if they start the period of research the year of defense of the thesis (optimum six-year terms).

In the case of professors: 99.2% have at least one six-year term, 70.4% have reached the optimal six-year terms and 15.3% have reached 6 six-year terms. By sex, 52.5% of men have reached optimal six-year terms compared to 44.7% of women. Regarding the percentage with 6 six-year terms, it stands at 2.7% for the female population and 5.8% for the male.

Administration and services staff

Administration and service staff in the 2021-2022 academic year it reached the figure of 66,593 (1.7% more than in the previous academic year), of which 54,575 belong to public universities and 12,018 to private universities.

94.4% of the administration and services staff are full-time and 72.8% are permanent. Their average age is 49.4 years and 61.7% are women.

18.0% of the total PAS belong to private universities and they constitute a younger workforce with a percentage of 27.3% of personnel under 35 years of age compared to 4.3% of public universities. In public university centers, 64% of PAS are civil servants, of which 67.3% are women. Regarding the contracted PAS, the female population drops to 44.9%.

Investigator employee

The research staff employed in the 2021-2022 academic year stands at 20,791 researchers, 6.2% more than in the previous course. Of these, 93.1% are attached to public universities.

Besides, The data indicates that 73.9% of the research staff employed are under 35 years of age.s, 46.5% are women and 64.3% come from competitive public calls.

With respect toCompetitive public calls, 78.7% correspond to pre-doctoral calls where the presence of women is 48.3%.

research staff

In the 2021-2022 academic year, andl 44.6% of the university staff carry out some activity related to research, this is a total of 102,288 troops. Of these, 44.1% are women and 68.3% are teaching staff.

in public universities 89.4% of university research personnel are located, 47.7% of its staff participate in research. Regarding the teaching staff of public universities, 55.8% carry out research activities. This figure drops to 36.0% in private universities.

96.2% of civil servant teachers carry out research, 37.5% of them are women. Of the PDI hired at universities, 32.7% carry out research.


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