Angel Di Maria burglars sentenced to prison terms

« My client will be doomed, there’s no doubt about it. “By starting his argument in front of the twenty people present in room 4, Me Guegan had no illusions this Wednesday before the 18th special correctional chamber, at the Nanterre judicial court. Nothing suprising.

Reda B. was identified, face uncovered, on the images of the CCTV cameras and admitted the charges: the burglary of Angel Di Maria’s home, where luxury watches, jewelry and cash – worth total of 500,000 euros – found in an unlocked safe, were stolen. One or two men had entered the particular building through a terrace on the third floor.

500 000

The total value of the objects and money stolen during the burglary of Angel Di Maria’s home amounts to 500,000 euros.

Main suspect sentenced to four years in prison

Nicknamed “the Mouse”, Reda B. was also on trial for an attempt to house Julian Draxler, another former PSG player, on loan to Benfica. The flight was narrowly interrupted when a man was surprised on the roof of one of his neighbors. He was found guilty and sentenced to four years in prison for these offences.

As well as the association of criminals. “La Souris” was indeed on trial with three other defendants: Medhi B., Sarah A. and Emma H.. The latter had been sentenced last year to ten months in prison, suspended for complicity in burglaries committed at Thiago Silva’s home. and Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting, two other former PSG. The main accused in these thefts, “the Cat”, had been sentenced to six years in prison in 2021.

The three lawyers for the co-accused all questioned this qualification. Their clients claiming not to all know each other. Some have known each other since high school, others have maintained ” privileged links » et « private relationships with Reda B. Three of the defendants were present at the hearing. One appeared free, two in a box under guard, while the fourth did not come, ” fearing for his safety ».

organized burglars

In her submissions, the Prosecutor explained the reasons: the use of prepaid telephones, all of which were cut off in an almost coordinated way on the evening of the events. Heetch accounts used under false identities. And a Snapchat group, in which the investigators believe that they all participated, under pseudonyms, as well as “the Chat” from the remand center where he is imprisoned, without them being able to prove it.

The content of the exchanges never mentions a theft. Telephone interceptions do not allow the discovery of indisputable material elements. ” What must be established is that the project of this group was an offence. It is not necessary to prove that they have completed this project “, declared the Prosecutor. And to acknowledge: I can’t say who did what. »

Through the requisitions of the prosecution, which relies on investigative work, the file seemed light. Their lawyers did not fail to rush in to demand the release of their clients, who all claimed their innocence. The first, Me Ayadi, evokes a confusion between Medhi B. and his brother. ” He has the same morphology, measures only two centimeters more. We don’t condemn people for their size! »

“Angel Di Maria wanted to understand the precise course of this burglary to avoid at all costs that such an intrusion happens again”

Me Clémence Witt, lawyer for Angel Di Maria

He also ensures that one does not commit a theft in a meeting without knowing his accomplice perfectly. And recalls that his client assures that he does not know any of the co-defendants – he will only rarely look at Reda B. during the hearing – that he does not appear on any video surveillance image, that his DNA was not found at the scene of the offence, and that his phone was never limited to Neuilly, where Angel Di Maria lived. The latter has also brought a civil party ” because he wanted to understand the precise course of this burglary to avoid at all costs that such an intrusion happens again. He also wanted to recover certain jewels, with high sentimental value. “Explains his lawyer, Me Clémence Witt.

The Argentine wanted in particular to recover a family medallion. He has not been found. Beyond material damage, he suffered significant moral damage ». « On the one hand, he lives with the worry, like other players, of being a target. “The former Parisian had already been the victim of a burglary in Manchester in February 2015 and was also the victim in Turin, in October 2022. “ On the other hand, he was especially very afraid for his wife and children when he left the field. (during the match against Nantes), when his coach told him that something had happened to his family. »

Two relaxed people

The Prosecutor therefore relies on the fact that the defendants turned off their telephones on the evening of the events to constitute the association of criminals. ” It’s not proof », recall the lawyers in unison. She had partly cleared one of the defendants, Sarah A., but had nevertheless requested a year in prison entirely accompanied by a reprieve against her for “criminal association”. She had helped and sheltered the two men. In its deliberations delivered at the start of the evening, the court imposed a six-year suspended sentence.

Emma H, prosecuted for theft by trickery, breaking and entering or climbing in a residential premises and participation in a criminal association with a view to the preparation of an offense, was released. She risked two years in prison, one of which was suspended. ” The video surveillance makes it possible to identify Mr. Reda B. It shows only one individual. My client hasn’t been there before, she’s not there during, she’s not there after, said Me Behloul. She was convicted for similar facts but she cannot be convicted for these same facts, without any element that could justify a conviction. »

Medhi B. was found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison for “theft by trickery, breaking and entering or climbing” and “criminal association”. Invited to speak in court, “the Mouse” said to himself ” ready to reimburse the victim because she did not ask for much “. Angel Di Maria asked for a symbolic sum. His civil action was deemed admissible and he will receive 5,000 euros in damages for non-pecuniary damage, his family being present at his home at the time of the events.


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