At 13, a Malian of 2m11 shocks and releases one of the crazy perfs in history!

While Real Madrid and FC Barcelona faced each other this Sunday in the final of the Endesa Mini Cup U14, a tournament which notably saw Luka Doncic and Ricky Rubio shine in their time, a young mutant named Mahamadou Landouré left speechless all observers. It must be said that the young Malian signed a totally crazy match, which augurs well for a bright future…

What if a star was born? We will have to wait many years before having the answer to this question, but one thing is certain: Mahamadou Landouré completely stunned the basketball planet with his performance in the final of the Endesa Mini Cup 2023, which pitted the U14 teams from Real Madrid, where he plays, and FC Barcelona, ​​where he played for in the past.

The ubiquitous stats sheet of Mahamadou Landouré

Now a member of merengue, the 13-year-old Malian literally crushed this match with his presence. From the top of his 2m11 (!), he spent his 35 minutes on the floor disgusting the competition, chaining baskets, counters and rebounds without ever weakening. And beware, the statistical balance sheet makes you shudder.

Once the victory was assured (84-74) and the cup in his pocket, Landouré was indeed able to consult his astonishing statistics sheet: 56 points at 21/29 in shooting, 33 rebounds, 5 blocks, 14 fouls caused, and an evaluation totally crazy about 82.

Obviously, this performance earned the young teenager to be elected MVP of the tournament, which he had already dominated in previous meetings:

It is obviously necessary to remain cautious when talking about players at such a young age, but there is no doubt that the potential is overflowing in the Malian. To support these barely believable figures, we invite you to see it in action on the video below. And from the first to the last second, he put hell on the blaugrana :

Already on the radar of fans of future top prospects for many years, Mahamadou Landouré has just signed a totally amazing match, which confirms all the good that the scouts thought of him. If the giant continues to evolve in a positive way, there is no doubt that we have not finished hearing about him!


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