Badminton: the Crazy Wheels of Kervignac on their way to the Brittany Championship

badminton de Kervignac remporte treize médailles d’or et six médailles d’argent. Camille Leroux et Georgia Stierle Davies ont particulièrement brillé avec respectivement trois et deux médailles d’or." src="" width="560" height="360" layout="responsive" data-recalc-dims="1"/>

The badminton club of Kervignac wins thirteen gold medals and six silver medals. Camille Leroux and Georgia Stierle Davies particularly shone with three and two gold medals respectively.

On Saturday January 21 and Sunday January 22, 2023, the Morbihan badminton championships took place at the Kervignac sports complex. 180 young people aged 6 to 17 were present under the colors of 22 clubs from all over the department. Les Fous du volant fielded 36 competitors in singles, doubles or mixed. At the end of the weekend, the club won thirteen gold medals and six silver medals. Camille Leroux as a junior and Georgia Stierle Davies as a junior stand out on their own with five gold medals. The winners of each category won their ticket for the regional championship, in Pontivy, on March 11 and 12.


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