Basketball: Who is showing the TOP4 BBL Cup tournament live on free TV? | Sports

The cup competition of the basketball Bundesliga is coming up!

On February 18th and 19th in Oldenburg, this year’s cup winner of the Basketball Bundesliga will be determined at the top four tournament of the BBL cup. All important information about the basketball short tournament can be found here in the overview.

On the weekend after 2015, the EWE Baskets Oldenburg will once again host the cup finals and thus host the top four for the “MagentaSport BBL Cup” (official name) in the 6,000-seat arena in Oldenburg.

Die Teams

  • White Berlin
  • Bayern Munich Basketball
  • MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg
  • EWE Baskets Oldenburg

The game plan

On Saturday, February 18th at 7:30 p.m., Bayern Munich will face defending champion Alba Berlin in the semi-finals. EWE Baskets Oldenburg will play against MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg in the first semi-final at 4 p.m. The final will take place on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 3 p.m. There will be no game for third place.

Where is the tournament on TV?

MagentaSport shows the cup games live and as free TV on all MagentaTV platforms. The first title award of the season is staged with exciting features about the teams and players. Additionally, the games are played on the league’s own Twitch-Kanal transfer.


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