Diego González left Liga MX teams for not turning to the Expansion League

Graciela ResendizReading: 3 min.

The Celaya coach finds it incredible that top circuit teams have not opted for González, now a Lazio player

MEXICO — The technician of Celaya, Francisco Ramirezconsiders that the striker diego gonzalez had the player profile of Pumas o Pachucaand says that the teams of the Liga MX The Paraguayan forward left them for not turning to the Expansion League.

“It is incredible that the First Division teams left because they do not turn for the expansion league. I think that the scammers spend their time looking at everything that is foreign over there, except what is in the expansion league. There are very good footballers here and since they have no place in the Liga MXThey’re still here,” he told ESPN Paco Ramirez.

asserts Paco Ramirez that despite his 20 years, diego gonzalez makes a difference and was very adapted to the Celaya because he had been in Mexican soccer for about a year and a half.

“He is captain in the U-20 team that participates in the South American. He is a great player, sprinter, talented. He is left-handed, with a strong passing game. He tactically he has work. He is not only all forward; the guy has work behind. He is a very complete footballer and apart from that he is 20 years old ”, he adds Paco Ramirez.

Diego González emigrated from Celaya to Serie A.Imago7/ Sebastian Laureano Miranda

“He began to play constantly with me, because the previous coach only gave him a few minutes. Then the boy began to take off, to grow, to grow, and for me it was essential because I had a trident up top and he was, together with Gael Acosta and Ricardo Marín, they were the most important on the team last tournament”.

Considers Paco Ramirez what diego gonzalez era of player profile Pachuca o Pumas and comments that Rafael Puente, coach of the university students, was looking for him, the same as the people from Los Tuzos, but none of the clubs bet more than the Lazio when they negotiated He says that they loved Diego Los Angeles FC, from MLS; he PSGhe Galatasay and other English, Dutch and German clubs, prevailing the law of supply and demand.

“He was an ideal guy for Pumasfor Necaxafor Pachuca, those teams that give talented young people the opportunity. Hard to fit in Americain Blue Crosswho are more in the habit of buying players that are already very well made”.

For Paco Ramirez The good players go to the top teams “because the people who make the decisions seem to me that they are not football people, it gives me that feeling.”

He admits that he would have wanted him to stay diego gonzalez in Celaya“but I cannot limit the growth of the soccer player and that is what the Expansion League: to develop and enhance them. How do you explain that now this South American from Colombia Diego was followed by so many clubs like the ones I mentioned and that in Mexico no one has seen it. Incredible”.

In the end, the participation of diego gonzalez in the South American it paid off for the striker and the Celaya as owner of your letter; Lazio saw him there, gave more and stayed with him.

“Diego has a great personality and will undoubtedly be successful because of his temperament, because of his conviction to transcend. He is a fighter ”and adds Paco Ramirez that it is a pleasure that a footballer of the Expansion League emigrate to Europe.

“I would love for us to give more value to ours, to give more follow-up to the work of the Mexican, of our league. Our Liga MX it is fabulous, excellent; It is undoubtedly the best in Latin America, on a par with Brazil. In Mexico there are clubs that work very well, especially those from Grupo Pachuca, Grupo Orlegi and Caliente”, stressed the technical director of Celaya.


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