Eli Manning beats Peyton and the National returns to victory

Eli Manning, the youngest of the Manning brothers and Tom Brady’s nightmare in the Super Bows, he got away with it in the Pro Bowl, in which he managed the team of lto the National Conference, which won two of the three flag games, which is part of the new format of their all-star match. Peyton Manning, the AL head coach, had to work up his nerve to lose to his brother.

After five editions of the Pro Bowl, the National won the Pro Bowl again. From 2016 to 2021, the American team won, remembering that in 2020 the game was suspended due to the pandemic.

National vs American

Game 3 first quarter: American 33-35 National

In this game the winner of the Pro Bowl is defined, since the flag billet is the game or dynamic that distributes the most points. La Nacional puts on a show with Cousins ​​as quarterback, for better and for worse.

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Getty Images

Game 2: American 18 – 13 National

With Snoopdog as a stellar witness, Trevor Lawrence, who is one of the main attractions of this edition of the Pro Bowl, enters into action to rescue the American.

Lawrence tied the game, so the Pro Bowl winner is decided in game three. By the way, the Mexican Diana Flores has been teaching.

The connection between Lawrence and Diggs has been one of the most spectacular aspects of the second game, and here’s a little taste.

Game 1 American 27-33 National

At least in the stands, the Pro Bowl is already a success, since the stadium is practically full and on the field, the National Conference won the first game.

What happens in the Pro Bowl?

As we said, the Pro Bowl is intended to entertain and the comparison with the All-Star Weekend of the NBA cannot be better, since it is a series of skill challenges. Some contests were recorded, so we will see in the transmission a kind of summary of those challenges and here we leave you the list of the most important challenges.

Epic Pro Bowl Dodgeball or Burned
Lightning Round: They are precision challenges that are carried out with clearances and even water balloons.
Epic Pro Bowl Dodgeball or Burned
Lightning Round: They are precision challenges that are carried out with clearances and even water balloons
Precision Passing or Precision Throws between Quarterbacks
Obstacle race
Three matches of tochito flag
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Getty Images

Where can I watch the Pro Bowl?

Live broadcast is provided by ESPN and Star+ and it takes place from 2:00 p.m., Central Mexico time. During the transmission we will see three games of seven vs. seven in tochito flag between the stars of the National Conference and the American Conference.


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