“Energy ‘Common Good’, my motion to contain energy costs approved. We aim to guarantee supply to citizens and businesses at prices determined and controlled by the State” — Vita Web TV

“The price of energy raw materials has an extremely negative impact, now more than ever, on the cost of living in Campania. With the approval by the Regional Council of the motion signed by me for the first time, we urge the national government to recognize to all citizens and all productive enterprises the possibility of obtaining energy supplies at real market prices, determined and controlled by the Italian State through of production sources, and to start the legislative process aimed at qualifying Energy as a “Common Good”. The motion, signed among others also by the three Irpinia councilors Alaia, Petitto and Petracca, obtained a transversal consensus between the majority and the opposition because it represents an extraordinary opportunity. Campania will thus be able to become a model region and finally give life to solutions against the increase in energy prices which are bringing the economy of our territories to its knees”. This was announced by the regional councilor of the 5-star movement Vincenzo Ciampi
“As Movimento 5 Stelle we have decided to marry the commitment and the activity carried out by the consultancy of the production activities of Ariano Irpino and by the Movimento Cara Bolletta – concludes Ciampi – as well as the administrative activity of the municipalities of Ariano Irpino, Greci, Grottaminarda and Taurasi who have already proceeded with specific board resolutions to declare energy a ‘Common Good’”.


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