Keje Molenaar withdraws from FC Volendam and files a report against a member of the supervisory board

Keje Molenaar withdraws from FC Volendam and files a report against a member of the supervisory board

Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 00:03

Keje Molenaar filed a report against FC Volendam SB member Elma de Koekkoek on Friday afternoon, reports The Telegraph. Since the Supervisory Board stopped Molenaar’s appointment as vice-chairman, the fishing village has been out of control. The lawyer and former professional football player is no longer available as vice-chairman and will withdraw completely from Volendam as long as this supervisory board is there.

Molenaar was recently nominated by the Volendam board led by chairman Jan Smit. To the anger of trainer Wim Jonk, his appointment was stopped by the supervisory board. De Koekkoek recently called Molenaar ‘not honest’ in a meeting, which has now led to a report from the lawyer. De Koekkoek is accused of libel and slander.

Keje Molenaar in conversation with chairman Jan Smit.

“Your smear campaign and that of the supervisory board has been ‘successful’ now that I have decided to withdraw completely in the interest of FC Volendam,” Molenaar writes in a letter to De Koekkoek. “Wim, Jan and I are the proverbial pearls before the swine. For that reason I have put an end to it and I will not be surprised if more will follow soon.”

De Koekkoek says he was not shocked by Molenaar’s letter. “I laughed and thought: my gosh, what a level. There can never be libel and slander if something is said in a meeting with a duty of confidentiality. Just look at the case law. Molenaar doesn’t have a leg to stand on.” The supervisory board member does not deny that she called Molenaar ‘not honest’. ESPN first says that he will join the board and later reverses that at another television channel, I don’t think it has integrity. Bring on the report.”

“I think I was already rejected by the supervisory board when I made that amended statement on the local TV station,” Molenaar counters. “So that is not a valid argument. Moreover, integrity has a much broader scope. The fact is, FC Volendam is back on the map thanks to three real Volendammers – Wim Jonk, Jan Smit and me – which is a big deal for Wim Jonk and his team in particular. In my opinion, Wim is a trainer for the top and is willing to take our club to a high level.”

Football International came out last week through an extensive reconstruction with the administrative chaos at Volendam. The Supervisory Board of the club has instructed the executive board to terminate the contracts of Team Jonk, six officials including head coach Wim Jonk, as of April 1. The board, with general director Jan Smit in the lead, is staunchly opposed to that. Smit, who argues that the supervisory board does not have the right powers, fully supports Jonk as chairman.

Wim Jonk and Jan Smit
Jonk then also bit off. “We put a lot of energy into the group process during the winter break,” said the trainer. “That’s going better now and makes it extra sour that a bunch of opportunistic administrators want to see Keje and us through the back rooms. If you have a different vision: fine, but step forward and present your plan.”

The situation had previously caused annoyance to Smit. “If you, as a member of the Supervisory Board, do not understand what we are doing, that we are developing millions of euros in player value, then you simply have not understood. I want to continue the journey with Jonk and the others myself, but I do not know whether I will still be chairman. As it is now, I predict that soon board members will also be put on hold. Maybe myself. To put it mildly, I feel screwed by what is happening.”


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