La Loubiere. Multi-sport initiation workshops offered to 140 local school children

The pupils of the cycle of the schools of Lioujas, Agen-d’Aveyron, Gages and Bertholène met at the Epis sports hall in Lioujas and on the square of the neighboring entertainment hall to participate in initiation workshops tennis, table tennis and badminton. It was Laura Pleinecassagne from Usep, assisted by teachers, parents of pupils and educators from the Lioujas Ping-Pong Club who supervised these 140 pupils, who were delighted to discover sports activities that few of them knew about. The morning and afternoon sessions were interspersed with a giant picnic which was able to take place outdoors under the warm winter sun.

The provision of twelve tables and rackets by the local table tennis club facilitated this inter-school sports day.

Teachers and students were thus able to widen their relational circle during this fraternal day.



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