Let’s go. Holidays on tatami for young judokas

The Allonnais Sports Club (CSA) Judo organized a one-day sports course on Monday February 20 in the sports hall.

More than twenty young judokas, supervised by their teachers, Richard Pélisson and Gilles Cantonnet, with the reinforcement of some juniors from the club, followed the various workshops: collective games, judo on the ground, sports games, board games interspersed with the picnic and by the snack. A nice day which took place in a good mood”, specify Richard Pélisson and Gilles Cantonnet.

The CSA will organize the interclub on Monday 1is May, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the sports hall, for the mini-chicks, chicks, chicks and minimal categories for both boys and girls. To avoid delays, arrive on time for the weigh-in. Registration is 3 € and entitles you to a snack. Rewards are provided for each participant. The meetings will be done only by hens. Information from Richard Pélisson on 06 09 70 53 70.

grade passages

From Monday, March 6, grade examinations will begin during children’s classes. At each course, two judokas will be called to pass the tests in order to obtain the higher rank. Three tests are used: judo environment with rolling, fall, belt knot and refereeing; floor judo and standing judo. If successful, the grade will be awarded at the end of the course.


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