Noella, the youngest transgender girl to parade in New York

  • Noella McMaher, 11, is the youngest transgender girl ever to walk the runway at New York Fashion Week

  • His case exemplifies the gap that has opened up in the United States between states governed by Democrats and Republicans.

  • New York seeks to become a sanctuary for pediatric transgender treatment of minors who identify as trans

Noella McMaher, the youngest transgender girl ever paraded never in the New York Fashion Weekis 11 years old and his case exemplifies the gap that has opened up in the United States between states governed by democratswhich facilitate the transitions from one gender to another, and those ruled by republicanswhich block them until the age of 18.

Noella is one of the youngest transgender girls in the US. With only two, she already knew that her body didn’t connect with what she felt. “When people would say ‘what a cute boy,’ she would say ‘I’m not a boy, I’m a girl,’” recalls her father Dee Mcmaher.

He had a puberty blocker implanted in December

At the age of four they already called him Drink up and with seven changed the name on your passport. Last December they implanted a puberty blocker. “It hurts a lot after a while, itches and stings a little bit,” he says. She herself broadcast it on social networks, further fueling a debate that divides the experts in the US: what is the right age for this medical treatment.

Karen Surowiec, from the Manhattan Psychology Group, considered that “there is no specific age to recommend a child to start the transition. The most important thing is that the child has the social, behavioral and psychological support they need.”

Last year Noella became the youngest transgender girl to walk a runway at New York Fashion Week and this year repeats. She is accompanied by her father, who began her gender transition process three years after his daughter’s.

“I started my transition in January 2020, she started her social transition in 2014, or 2015 and her legal transition in 2017. She has always had a strong sense that she was herself and very confident in who she was,” says her father.

Here each state has its own rules on this issue. right now there is 40 bills driven in republican territories that seek to prohibit or even pEnaliczar with prison sentence sex change in people under 18 years of age or the use of puberty blockers.

On the other side, Democratic states like NY, who seek to become pediatric transgender treatment sanctuary in minors who identify as trans. In the US, there are already more than 300,000.


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