Rebellion of the weak! Legend has it that Teplice and Budějovice are heading for trouble

The presenter of the program Aleš Svoboda aptly noted that the past round, in addition to the wins of the first trio, also brought about a “rebellion of the weak”. The teams from the bottom of the table scored full points. Penultimate Zlín on home soil with Teplice, Pardubice won in Mladá Boleslav “Pardubice with a young team scored good points and it looks like Zlín will also win. It’s getting confusing down there,” he is looking forward to the dramatic plot of the Fortuna Horňák league.

Zlín did not win even once under coach Pavel Vrba during the training season. But as soon as the points started to be played, he has two draws on his account and he even won the last time. “But it is too early to assess whether coach Vrba’s handwriting can be seen there,” thinks Jiří Lizec, football editor of Práva and

So to what does he attribute the fact that the penultimate team in the table is going through the league spring without defeat? “Zlín has an experienced team, the lineup with an average age of 32 is proof of that. It has been worked on that they know what they are playing for, that they cannot leave it until the last rounds. Then the superstructure comes, it will be a different frmol and every point is useful. They have to start stepping into it, just like Pardubice,” he adds, adding that the East Bohemian team has a typologically different team.

Football program Přímák, whose guest was coach Michal HorňákVideo:

Joy can be had by an independent fan who can look forward to a really dramatic league. “The bottom is starting to catch up with the middle. Teplice and České Budějovice fall to the last teams very quickly. And even Boleslav can’t be calm, they only have one point in the spring,” he sends a warning to the Central Bohemian team that if they don’t start scoring, there may be a problem.

What else was heard in the program Přímák on


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