Rlc Sistemi, no bankruptcy The Florence taillight arrives

Again a home challenge for Rlc Sistemi (photo) in the regional women’s series B. The girls coached by coach Pavi Degl’Innocenti, tonight (deux ball at 21-15) will host Florence Basket at the Toscanini, bottom of the group with just 6 points. A game to try to win at any cost, in short, for Prato, who have every intention of defending the current fourth position in the standings and possibly getting closer to the podium area. In the men’s C Silver series, a home match for the first team of the Prato Pallacanestro Project, registered by Lo Conte Edile Costruzioni, which will host Cmb Carrara tomorrow evening starting at 21.00. In short, after the defeat against the other marble team, Audax, coach Bertini’s boys will try to bring home two useful points this time to dream of the primacy in the standings or to defend the second position from the assaults of the pursuers. In the men’s series D, delicate away games for our two teams involved in group B. Montemurlo Basket, tomorrow at 6 pm, will visit Pallacanestro Valdera to bring home important points and avoid end-of-season complications, while Cmb Valbisenzio, tomorrow at 18.30, he will be busy for the same reason on the Bellaria Cappuccini parquet.

L. M.


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