The new coach of the Chinese men’s basketball team took office in the first public class to practice like this in September at the Hangzhou Asian Games-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

The new coach of the Chinese men’s basketball team took office in the first public class to practice like this in September Hangzhou Asian Games

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2023-02-12 08:30

Yesterday, the Chinese National Men’s Basketball Team held a media open day event at the base of the Shanghai Competitive Sports Training Management Center. This is also the first public class for the new coach of the men’s basketball team, the Serbian Djordjevic. For the upcoming Men’s Basketball World Cup qualifiers and the Hangzhou Asian Games at home in September, the men’s basketball players are all ready.

After the Lunar New Year holiday, the Chinese men’s basketball team officially assembled on February 1 and started a new training session in Shanghai until February 19. After that, the whole team will go to Hong Kong to participate in the sixth window of the 2023 Men’s Basketball World Cup Asia Pacific Qualifiers. The Chinese team will play against Kazakhstan and Iran on February 23 and 26 respectively. After the games in the first five window periods, the Chinese men’s basketball team has already won the World Cup tickets in advance, so there is no pressure to win or lose in these two games. The main purpose is to run the lineup and train the team. There is no guarantee of winning the next two world preliminaries, but they will go all out.

In the open class, Qiao Shuai divided a total of 18 people into three groups. From the perspective of lineup distribution, he has his own system, which is obviously different from the relatively fixed combination that people are familiar with before. Among these 18 players, Wu Qian and Cheng Shuipeng from Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rental Men’s Basketball Team and Hu Jinqiu and Zhu Junlong from Zhejiang East Sunshine Men’s Basketball Team were selected, especially Hu Jinqiu, who was absent from the CBA League for several months due to injury Finally came back. Daqiu said that after coming to the national team, he is recovering through hard training and a positive attitude, “I hope to participate in training and competitions in a good state, and I can face (various difficulties) more actively. New The coach pays more attention to details. For me, there are many things to learn, and then I have to integrate into the system, and I have to work hard to improve.” Wu Qian said frankly that through the adjustment and rest during the holiday, both emotionally and physically Very good improvement, “Representing the national team, I must go all out in terms of mentality and state, and I also want to play my own level on the field and go out for the country with a full state.”

After the world preliminaries, the important tasks of the Chinese men’s basketball team include the Men’s Basketball World Cup in August and the Hangzhou Asian Games held at home in September. The results of the World Cup are related to the qualifications for the 2024 Paris Olympics. As the last champion of the Asian Games, they are playing at home, with both pressure and opportunities. “When climbing a mountain, you must never keep looking at the top of the mountain. Instead, you must focus on every step in front of you. We need to have a sense of urgency, but not in a hurry. This is a process, and we follow the plan step by step, like It’s the same as I said in training, it’s better to shoot late than early,” Qiao Shuai said. I hope the men’s basketball guy can bring good news to the fans.

Source: City Express Author: Reporter Yin Peiqin Editor: Gao Tingting


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