The Santa Lucía academy progresses its formation in the Spanish Championship

He Sports Club Santa Lucia de Alcoy has participated in the Spanish Championship of archery Of room. The Valladolid Trade Fair has hosted this tournament with different categories.

More than 600 archers have met in the city of Valladolid and 7 members of Santa Lucía have participated there, with special attention to the young promises of the club.

Mireia Micó, José González and Joan Verdú They have been part of the category of children under 14 years of age. Isabel Garcia has competed in Cadet, and Angels Alcaraz and Javier Miró, in the Absolute category. Manolo Candela and Àngels Alcaraz herself have led the expedition.

The club is proud to show how this new generation of goalkeepers have competed for the first time in a Spanish Championship and to see that they have obtained good results both individually and in teams.

After this competition, Santa Lucía has ended the indoor season and its members will begin to prepare for the outdoor phase.


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