Anderlecht-keeper Justien Odeurs stops after the season: “Merci, ket” | Women Super League

5 times champion, 3 times won the cup and experienced a European Championship. This is how Justien Odeurs sums up the best moments of her career. And a national title can be added to that because she is still out at Anderlecht this season. The Purple & White starts the play-offs with a small deficit on OHL.

And then that’s it. “For 23 years my life consisted of that game with a ball, 2 goals and 22 unhinged children on a field. I was Justien the footballer for 23 years. And for 23 years I enjoyed every second that I was allowed to touch the grass and with that ball was allowed to play.”

“My teammates are family. They are the people I have spent the most time with in my life so far. I can now conclude with the most beautiful club in the country, the team of my heart, the team that I will carry with me forever : Anderlecht. Thanks, ket!”.

Odeurs was also the number 1 goalkeeper with the Red Flames for a long time. But at the beginning of last year she said goodbye to the national team. She had a hard time meeting the Flames’ stricter selection criteria.

Odeurs is only 25, but chooses her family and her job in education. “It’s time for the next step in my life. I’m going to build my family with my wife and our two sons (dogs, red.).”


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