Fonbeauzard. Telethon: who will take over after Michel Corbière?

the essential
While an assessment has been made of the 22 years of challenges for the Telethon, the 2023 edition is in question on this pilot town…

A recent meeting took place in the town hall on the initiative of the bauzifontin committee of the Telethon, under the leadership of its representative Michel Corbière, also 1st deputy mayor of Fonbeauzard. The opportunity to take stock of the 2022 edition and especially of the 22 years of commitment to the municipality. Because for this municipality, the Telethon has become over the years, a mobilizing event and a reference in the North of Toulouse. The meeting took place in the presence of the presidents of the participative associations, Robert Grimaud, mayor of Fonbeauzard, municipal elected officials as well as Nadine Allain, former treasurer of the Téléthon, mother of Jean-Baptiste, as well as Stéphanie Boube, mother by Lenny. These two young bauzifontins are affected by the disease.

A history recalled the great moments: the 24 hours of walking, running, cycling and archery, the concerthon, the children’s games, the evenings with entertainment and bingo and all the events organized by the associations . Without forgetting the parades of trucks, tractors, motorcycles and the traditional solidarity march where the Bauzifontins, hand in hand, strolled through the city with the final release of balloons. In 2022, the generosity of the citizens will have made it possible to collect €5,300, which brings donations to more than €143,000 in 22 years of Telethon in the municipality of Fonbeauzard. And on the program side, no less than 14 associations have mobilized to offer meetings, shows, tournaments and sports demonstrations over several days: tennis, volleyball, football, running, walking, gym, dance, pétanque, badminton, taekwondo, choir, folk dances, cycle rides and canine education demos. The year 2022 will have been the last for Michel Corbière who now wishes to pass on the torch of the organization of the Telethon. Thus, a president and a treasurer are therefore called for 2023 with the possibility, either of individual candidacies, or of support by the municipal center for social action. Decision will be taken soon… The meeting ended with a moment of conviviality around a glass of friendship where everyone was able to remember the beautiful pages of the Telethon and express their wishes for the story to continue…


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