Injury, mental, Lembezat… The tops and flops of the match between Le Puy Foot and Atletico Paris

Roland Vieira’s players were able to put on the warm-up blue after conceding a goal in the first half.

Frustrating draw between Le Puy Foot and Paris Atletico (1-1)


The benchOnce again the difference came from the ponot bench. After Sangaré, decisive against Sedan and especially against Red Star, Elogo has, this time, brought its stone to the building. He is decisive passer on the equalizer of Mohamed Ben Fredj. Two minutes after coming on.

SheetingNot easy to replace Maxence Rivera, the man in form on the ponot side. Shy at the start of the match, the young player born in Pau grew in power as the match progressed. Rewarding us in particular with a superb “zidanesque” control on an aerial balloon. Repositioned right piston in the 56th, he then made his long game speak. It is also he who launches the action that brings the goal of Puy. Replaced in the 78th by another player knocking on the door, Benkhedim, Abdel Lembezat still needs to progress and gain confidence. But will he have time when Le Puy is in a hurry?

CharacterMinutes to 10 against Sedan, an explosive second period on the lawn of Red Star. Roland Vieira players never give up. And they proved it again tonight. Led to the score at the break, they drew on their reserve to come back to score. Crucial for the future.

Les Flops

Drop in speedIf Le Puy was able to come back, he then completely died out. While the week of training was disrupted by sick people, the players appeared dull at the end of the game. Luckily for them, they didn’t concede a second goal, even though Paris had chances. Maxence Rivera’s injury also illustrates this burst of energy in the maintenance race which is far from over.

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The opposing injuryIt’s never images that we like to see. Whether it’s on one side or the other, the injury of one of the 22 players is always detrimental to the game. Unfortunately, that’s what happened on Friday. In the 30th minute of play, after a duel, Samy Faraj fell badly and visibly injured his shoulder. The stretcher intervenes to get the player out, followed by the firefighters. A time out which gave 8 minutes of additional time in the first period. Note the very classy reaction of the public of Massot who applauded the injured during his exit.

Julien Vaurillon

Find all our articles on Le Puy Foot here.


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